2024 – Monthly Restorative Saturday Morning Class (10 – 11.30am)
Reset the body & the mind ♡
Once a month treat yourself – Balance the inner, the outer for yourself and see the knock on effects
ZOOM CLASSES – $30 each (includes the recorded class valid for 1 month)
- 23 FEB
- 30 MAR
- 27 APR
- 25 MAY
- 29 JUN
- 27 JUL
- 31 AUG
- 28 SEP
- 26 OCT
- 23 NOV
- 7 DEC
“Yoga is the golden key which unlocks the door
to peace, tranquility, and joy”
B.K.S. Iyengar
Adhomukha Svanasana – Downward-facing dog stretch